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2018 Womyn's Empowerment Award!

This annual award goes to a womyn who has birthed against the modern current and is empowered because of her birth. In addition, she has a plan for how to provide for and care for herself, her baby and family as the power shifts her previous life. This year’s award goes to Katya Perkova of Russia. Katya birthed her fifth child at home, 44 weeks and her precious baby girl weighed beyond the 12 lb scale. All of her children have been born at home - 1 breech daughter, one daughter born in Sinai with the Bedouins, 2 sons and now a third daughter. Beloved husband Phillip has been her constant believe

r and companion throughout. Welcome to our world Misha, Masha, Marisha, Makar and now Marfa. Behold! The family photo also contains Marfa’s placenta tree.

Dear Sister and Elders.

I'm a Woman and a Mother in this Universe.

And I have birthed in Power 5 times.

It was a Time of my Power, my Life Force and my Bliss.

As all Wimyn do. Before me and after. To keep the Sacred Birth in this Universe.

May it be so for every Mother on the Path.

Do not be afraid. Your baby will come.

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