Order of Morning Star Sisters ~ OMS
After exploring more than 300 religious orders worldwide, and with the support of devoted spiritual directors, MorningStar took her first vows as a religious hermitess on
17 August 1998.
Within a Native Ceremony and Holy Mass, the founding of the religious Order of Morning Star Sisters was born on 17 August 2003. Kinsters from diverse religious practices and ethnic backgrounds gathered to support MorningStar in making perpetual vows as a Cherokee hermitess and Catholic mystic. Her life work and the charisma of the new Order of Morning Star Sisters was dedicated to the preservation of simple and sacred birth.
On 17 August 2008 MorningStar celebrated her first decade as a vowed hermitess. Within an ecumenical mass MorningStar was named Mother Clare. 2018 is the 20th anniversary of MorningStar’s original vows.
Sister MorningStar observes daily disciplines including a monastic Day of Silence on Wednesdays.
OMS Vision ~
To embody the fullest expression of our divine nature and reflect it in the world around us.
OMS Mission ~
To preserve simple and sacred birth among global peoples.
OMS Guiding Scripture and Principle ~
“Do to no one what you yourself dislike. Give to the hungry some of your bread, and to the naked some of your clothing. Seek council from every wise elder. At all times bless and ask your Creator to make all your paths straight and to grant success to all your endeavors.”
~ Tobit 4:15a, 16a, 18a, 19
OMS Associates ~
Each year on 8 December (Immaculate Conception of Mary), the Associates of the Order of Morning Star Sisters gather to offer prayer, recite the Maternal Rosary*, make prayer beads and enjoy a retreat day of peace and reflection. The informal gathering is
followed by a Vegan feast. New associates are welcome following an innerview. To inquire about the OMS Associates write directly to sister@sistermorningstar.com.
*The Maternal Rosary is based on the traditional rosary of Mary. It is adapted to be a special prayer for pregnant mothers today. We recite the rosary using the names of pregnant mothers who have asked for our prayers. You can purchase a copy of the
Maternal Rosary and a finger rosary on our MarketPlace.
May the Simple & Sacred lead us to a more peace-filled planet.