The Power Of Herbs
Herbs are central to the preservation of healthy life and sacred ritual. The delicate ecosystem on the Holyland provides us annually with an abundance of healthy herbs. We use them daily and in numerous ways.
We use them in recipes as seen throughout our cookbook, Comida 2.
We eat them, drink them, wear them and bathe with them.
We use them to create our home remedies.
We use them to make smudge sticks.
We cultivate them in our gardens.
We wild craft them from our woods.
We make them into bouquets, carry them in our hands and wear them in our hair.
We place them on our altars and use them in our rituals.
We dry the blossoms and add a petal or two in letters and thank you notes.
Our prayers are lifted to the heavens with a bit of sage or lavender tossed into the fire. All of our major life transitions are infused with their presence. It's hard to imagine our life without the power and richness gifted to us by the holy use of herbs.
Each year we walk the creeks, valleys, and hills, looking to nature for the herbs best suited for our healing salves, balms, ointments, oils, mists and sprays. We also make ceremonial oils and beauty embrocations.
Here's the story of Soul Blossom and a glimpse into the wise womyn ways of MorningStar Community.
The Soul of Soul Blossom
Red Clover, Wild Rose, Lavender in a oil base
In the summer of 2001 the soul of Soul Blossom unpetaled herself in the Missouri Ozarks during one of our annual wimyn's retreats. The flowers were glorious that year, both in the woods and in our common friendship gardens. We decided to make petal water. We used a wooden spoon, pottery bowls and our great love & respect for the healing power of herbs. We gathered 22 different types of blossoms just after the morning sun had dried off the valley dew. We added rose petals from a recent wedding on the Holyland. Making prayers and calling forth feminine healing powers, we covered the petals with distilled water and set them on an outside altar. On one of our inside altars was a quote by John Muir, "Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature." At the end of the retreat we bottled a bit of the "holy water" for each participant to use in their personal rituals and ceremonies. Everyone asked, "what shall we call it?" For we named everything. We reread the quote and talked about our own soul work and our own soul's blossoming. Soul Blossom was born – a perfect name and perfect fit for us.
The next summer we decided to make her into a healing balm as well as petal water. The following year we formed a group of wimyn who had special interest and education in herbs, healing and the needs of families with small children. Every year at the summer retreat the wimyn would gather the healthiest herbs and blossoms from the wild. Every year we added new herbs and flowers to our gardens.
Each year was a bit different. One year the violets turned different colors and grew in different places; One year the clover. One year the plantain was prolific. One year the hawthorn berries moved the jewel weed to a new location. We learned to trust what nature was telling us. To watch what grew abundantly and where and how it was changing. For this reason each annual formula carries a unique healing power.
Soul Blossom garland ceremony.
MSC Maidens gathering wild herbs.
Soul Blossom expanded from petal water and a healing balm to include warming rub, healing oil, lip balm, meditation oil, spritzer, repellent, antiseptic spray and more. Her potency increased in many ways. The mother batch we make annually now cures until the next year. A soulful dash of the cured mother is carried into the next year. Like our own DNA, one year is linked to the previous.
Soul Blossom Healing Balm remains our original and foundational product, used religiously around the world by people who find the live healing herbs to work wonders for them.
Many of the original wimyn still come running when it is "Soul Blossom time", including the young bride who gifted the first rose petals. In fact, it is her two daughters who now grace our lovely Soul Blossom labels - timeless reminders of our collective innocence, purity, health, beauty, nature and spirit.
We are so happy you thought enough of us to wonder about our story. Now you know, we were thinking of you when we made the Soul Blossom product you are using or considering. Year after year, Soul Blossom brings the power of wild herbs and holy blessing to your instinctual living choices for health and beauty.
We are so happy you thought enough of us to wonder about our story. Now you know, we were thinking of you when we made the Soul Blossom product you are using or considering. Year after year, Soul Blossom brings the power of wild herbs and holy blessing to your instinctual living choices for health and beauty.
We love Soul Blossom. We use it every day. We have it in our medicine chest, our kitchen, bathroom and on our altars. We carry it in our cars, travel bags and medicine bags. We love developing new products to meet the real needs of the people just like you.